- Connecting Point
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The lab investigations and other inquiry activities are the heart of Biology: As Scientific Inquiry. Inquiry lab activities are integrated throughout each unit and not found in one chapter only, as in many texts. As students progress through each unit, they become more able to solve increasingly complex laboratory problems. Integrating the lab activities with textual content in each separately bound unit, creates a learning environment that allows the use of constructivism and learning theory: powerful and proven strategies that produce mastery of skills and concepts.
57 high interest and engaging inquiry investigations are the heart of Biology: As Scientific Inquiry. Mr. Thompson has endeavored to create investigations so irresistible that students are drawn into the learning adventure. Genuine, award-winning inquiry lab activities are integrated with the content in all eight units.
Examine the first inquiry lab activity from Unit I. This elementary activity is designed to introduce students to the inquiry process. This is a dynamic, high interest lab that allows all students to succeed. Examine this novel lab activity.
Student objectives are clearly displayed for every topic. Unit I introduces students to the scientific method using relatively easy-to-solve, high interest problems. The inquiry lab activities become increasingly more complex as students progress through Units II through VIII. Students master the art of problem identification and hypothesis formation. They design and conduct original controlled experiments, as well as organize and interpret data.
Topics in Biology:As Scientific Inquiry are arranged according to major biological themes like, digestion, circulation, reproduction, respiration, photosynthesis, etc. When organisms are studied in this manner, as compared to a phylogenetic approach, motivation and student performance are higher.
The structure and sequence of each unit is a key factor in student success. Topics and units are carefully sequenced so students progress from the familiar to the abstract. This aids students in constructing their own understanding of concepts and biological processes.
Unit I: Introduction to Biology and Inquiry contains several high interest activities designed to motivate and sell students on biology during the first few weeks of the course.
Optional In-Depth Enrichment topics are included in most units to challenge the better students without causing frustration to the less able. The curriculum, therefore, can be effective with all abilities through the selective use of these enrichment activities. Biology: As Scientific Inquiry has been successfully used by school districts with a high proportion of academically successful students as well as with classes of academically unsuccessful or remedial students.
You may order one set of all 8 units to evaluate the curriculum from our price list and ordering information page.
BASI's assessment components are skillfully written, as Mr. Thompson has had extensive training in this area. He has written problem-solving assessments for two nationally distributed biology programs and for national and regional testing services, including the ACT college entrance test.
Unit exams and grading keys are available for each unit. They can be purchased as hard copies or in electronic alterable form (CD) or both. Eight Performance-Based Lab Assessment Modules and grading rubrics are available that measure problem-solving skills in a lab setting
Quiz and unit exam items are keyed to topic objectives, which enables students to clearly understand what they are responsible for learning. The objective quizzes can be graded in 5 to 10 seconds and promote needed accountibility and feedback as students progress through each unit. Selected quizzes in many units employ the essay format and assess inquiry skills.
“Biology: As Scientific Inquiry has energized my classroom. Students are challenged to think clearly, work together, problem solve, and apply the scientific method in labs and classroom activities.”
“I have been completely and thoroughly impressed with Biology: As Scientific Inquiry and owe the successes this year, in great measure, to Mr. Thompson’s curriculum.”
“I think the tactics and ideas in Biology: As Scientific Inquiry are terrific! This is what all science teaching/learning should be: grade one through grad school."